Lifecycle assessment provides a quantitative evaluation of the impacts of producing a good or providing a service. These potential impacts range from greenhouse gas emissions to water consumption to the potential effects of chemical or particulate emissions on human health. At AgNext, our team is focused on evaluating animal agriculture, from a system perspective, to identify the management or technology alternatives that improve sustainability.

AgNext Life Cycle Assessment Publications:

Jung Ho Park, Ji Yeong Boo, Moon Hyeon Kim, Yong Sik Ok, Jaehak Jeong, Greg Thoma, Yongseok Hong. Chemosphere, March 2025.

László Kékedy-Nagy, Karla Morrissey, Zahra Anari, Raheleh Daneshpour, Lauren Greenlee, Greg Thoma. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, January 2025.

Andrew D. Henderson, Anne Asselin-Balençon, Martin C. Heller, Jasmina Burek, Daesoo Kim, Lindsay Lessard, Manuele Margni, Rosie Saad, Marty D. Matlock, Greg Thoma, Ying Wang, and Olivier Jolliet. Sustainability, January 2023.

Meet Our Life Cycle Assessment Team:

Picture of Greg Thoma, Ph.D.

Greg Thoma, Ph.D.

Director of Agricultural Modeling and Life Cycle Assessment