Purpose and Intent: 

The AgNext Feed Additive Calculator Tool (FACT) for Beef is intended to be used by cattle feeders and technical consultants to predict enteric methane emissions from finishing beef cattle following USDA guidelines and to explore the economic implications of feed additives that mitigate enteric methane emissions. The FACT for Beef can be used for three main purposes: 

  1. To estimate current baseline enteric methane emissions for cattle based on mean feed intake and diet characteristics
  2. To estimate enteric methane emissions of the same group of cattle given they are fed a methane mitigating feed additive (user-defined mitigation value)
  3. The economic implications of the feeding the feed additive based on user-defined carbon price (in $/metric ton CO2e), feed prices, cattle prices, performance impacts (feed intake and average daily gain), and vet med/yardage/labor/feed additive costs.

The FACT for Beef is meant to be used for informational and educational purposes only.

Please note: no personal information is stored on this spreadsheet or recorded by AgNext. 


Watch this video for detailed instruction on how to use the AgNext FACT for Beef. Additionally, more information about specific inputs can be found in the user guide.