Grazing Principles
The expert team at AgNext has developed a guide for successful grazing management in Western rangelands. The seven principles (optimize stocking rate, consider distribution, prioritize ecological health, use a grazing plan, think beyond the range, practice adaptive management, and welfare begets performance) should be considered without hierarchy and should not been seen as mandatory. Some operations may benefit from utilizing all seven principles while other may utilize a few. Developed from the work of Jablonski et al. (2023), the team at AgNext have developed a number of tools for a producer to utilize in their grazing management.
The Grazing Principles Guidebook
The Grazing Principles Guidebook defines in detail each of the seven principles of successful livestock management. Within the guidebook, one can find additional information and applicable resources for each of the principles.
The Grazing Principles Checklist
Throughout the Grazing Principles Guidebook, there are recommendations for an individual to “check off” as they include the recommendations into their grazing plan.

Kevin Jablonski, Ph.D.
Project Lead

Anna Shadbolt
Grazing Management Outreach and Research Coordinator

Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, Ph.D.
Jablonski, K. E., Derner, J. D., Bailey, D. W., Davies, K. W., Meiman, P. J., Roche, L. M., Thacker, E. T., Vermeire, L. T., & Stackhouse-Lawson, K. R. (2024). Principles for successful livestock grazing management on western US rangelands. Rangelands, 46(2), 35-41.
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