Our Team | Juan Vargas

Contact: [email protected]
Research Scientist
Juan Vargas is originally from Bogota, Colombia. He obtained degrees in Animal Science and a Masters of Animal Production at the National University of Colombia. For four years, he joined the Colombian Agricultural Research Institute (AGROSAVIA), working on feeding practices under grazing systems with small and medium-scale dairy producers. After that, he obtained his Ph.D. in Animal Science at the University of Florida, working on nutritional strategies to reduce environmental impact in the beef sector. Juan has also been involved in research projects related to livestock sustainability and he’s excited to join AgNext’s research team.
Recent Publications:
- Vargas, J. J., Menezes, T. C., Auvermann, B., Derner, J. D., Thoma, G., Hales, K., Johnson, K., Leytem, A., Place, S., Plaut, J., Ritten, J., Thompson, L., & Stackhouse-Lawson, K. R. (2024). Net zero initiative in US beef and dairy systems: integrative on-farm recommendations for greenhouse gas reduction. Environmental Research Communications, 6(10), 101010.
- Avellaneda-Avellaneda, Y., Mancipe-Muñoz, EA, Mayorga-Cubillos, FG, Castillo-Sierra, J., & Vargas-Martinez, JDJ (2024). Productive response of Cenchrus clandestinus (Hochst. ex Chiov.) Morrone to fertilization, residual height and timing of defoliation. Pastures and Forages , 47 .
- Cuervo, W., Gómez, C., Tarnonsky, F., Fernandez-Marenchino, I., Maderal, A., Podversich, F., Vargas, J., & DiLorenzo, N. (2024). Effect of Cashew Nutshell Extract, Saponins and Tannins Addition on Methane Emissions, Nutrient Digestibility and Feeding Behavior of Beef Steers Receiving a Backgrounding Diet. Animals, 14(21), 3126.
- Vargas, J., Carvalho, P., Raynor, E., Martins, E., Souza, W., Shadbolt, A., Stackhouse-Lawson, K., Place, S. (2024) Determination of gas flux of growing steers under intensive grazing conditions, Translational Animal Science.
- Vargas, J., Swenson, M., & Place, S. E. (2024). Determination of gas flux and animal performance test duration of growing cattle in confined conditions. Translational Animal Science.
- Raynor, E.J., Schilling-Hazlett, A, Place, S, Vargas, J, Stackhouse-Lawson, K, Thompson, L, Johnston, M, Jorns, T, Beck, M, Kuehn, L, Derner, J. (2024). Snapshot of Enteric Methane Emissions from Stocker Cattle Grazing Extensive Semiarid Rangelands.
- Avellaneda, Y., Mancipe, E., Vargas, J., & Manriquez, D. (2024). Energy and Protein Requirements of Growing Lambs in Colombian Highlands. Animals, 14(14), 2117.