AgNext’s Dr. Jason Lombard has served as an expert for dairy cattle disease and management for most of his career. Previously, he worked with USDA’s National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) where he coordinated multiple national studies, primarily focused on the dairy industry. His recent transition to AgNext as a Dairy Systems Specialist has proved timely and his experience in disease management has been integral in sharing critical updates about Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in U.S. Dairy Cattle this spring.
This week, Dr. Lombard was invited to offer his expertise on biosecurity practices and transmission risk factors for HPAI in cattle during a recent webinar from the National Milk Producers Federation. Dr. Lombard also offered expert perspective about what scientists currently know about how this disease is impacting animals, transmission between herds, and additional information that producers may benefit from knowing about this evolving emerging disease.
Use this link to view the webinar, which will be available for viewing for the next 30 days.
AgNext remains committed to sharing resources with producers and the public and we will continue to share updates from trusted resources about HPAI in U.S. dairy systems.

Jenn "JR" Rieskamp
Head of Strategy and Communication