Postdoctoral Fellow of Agricultural Modeling and Lifecycle Assessment

Dr. Leticia Campos works as the Postdoctoral Fellow of Agricultural Modeling and Lifecycle Assessment for the AgNext program at Colorado State University. Originally from Brazil, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from São Paulo State University in 2018. As an undergraduate research assistant, she was awarded two research scholarships from the São Paulo Research Foundation, where she focused on goat and beef cattle nutrition and modeling. In 2019, Leticia began her direct Ph.D. program in dairy cattle nutrition at Virginia Tech. As a graduate research and teaching assistant, she worked in an interdisciplinary research team intersecting the Computer Science, Mathematics, and Dairy Science departments, and served as the teaching instructor under the Graduate Teaching Scholars program. She completed her Ph.D. in 2024, with a focus on applied precision dairy farming, data analysis and modeling.