Our Team | Brooklynn Moore

Contact: [email protected]
Administrative Coordinator
Hailing from her family farm in Eastern Iowa, Brooklynn Moore is no stranger to agriculture. As the youngest of eight children, she was already helping with chores from a young age and became involved in 4-H and FFA when she grew older. Her passion for the livestock and people in the industry eventually led her to Black Hawk East Community College in Galva, Illinois, where she was a member of the livestock judging team there. During that same time, Brooklynn also began working for a grass-fed and pastured beef, lamb, poultry, and pork operation that focused on regenerative practices that improve soil health, which ultimately was what grew her interest in sustainable agriculture. After receiving her Associates of Science from BHE, Brooklynn transferred to Colorado State University where she is majoring in Agricultural Literacy and continues to livestock judge. Near the end of her first year here at CSU, she was introduced to AgNext and joined the team. She is beyond excited about the opportunity to work with the rest of the team and help them accomplish their goal of producing new solutions to help move the industry towards a sustainable future!