Bos indicus adaptions for heat tolerance

As the global climate continues to warm, producers may consider cattle selection as a tool to improve climate adaptivity and resiliency. There are two domesticated cattle species that have evolved from wild aurochs (Bos primigenius), European cattle (Bos taurus) and …

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AgNext Doctoral Students Receive Prestigious Awards 

AgNext is proud to announce that two of our exceptional doctoral students, Ashley Schilling-Hazlett and Cesar Velasquez, have been recognized with prestigious awards for their dedication to sustainability and research. These accolades represent their commitment to driving significant advancements in their fields and exemplify …

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Research Team Led by AgNext Plans to Develop New Predictive Models Based on Data Science and Machine Learning to Maintain Resiliency and Sustainability in the Animal Protein System

The pandemic highlighted fragilities in food systems and other supply chains. Additional factors, like increased weather variability, drought, or even cyber-attacks can also disrupt supply chains. It is critical to understand the vulnerabilities and identify innovative interventions to maintain food …

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