Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Federal Advisory Committee (FRRCC) traveled to the Section 8 region, encompassing mountains and plains states, to learn how to accelerate agricultural climate mitigation and adaptation goals in the United States. Their visit led them to Fort Collins, where they explored AgNext’s Climate-Smart Research Facility and engaged in a public meeting at Colorado State University’s (CSU) main campus.
Presentations and Tour of the Climate-Smart Research Facility:
On Tuesday, July 11th, the FRRCC began their visit at CSU’s Agricultural, Research, and Development Center (ARDEC), welcomed by AgNext Director, Dr. Kim Stackhouse-Lawson. She set the stage for the afternoon, providing an insight into AgNext’s mission – finding sustainable agricultural solutions for animal agriculture. Dr. Stackhouse-Lawson emphasized AgNext’s remarkable growth, driven by industry partnerships, grants, opportunities, and the dedication of the AgNext team.
The FRRCC heard from specialists, Justin Derner from the United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), and Anna Shadbolt, AgNext’s Grazing Management Outreach and Research Coordinator. Justin Derner shared his research on grazing systems in the Shortgrass Steppe, showcasing the positive impact of novel methods on supporting producers and fostering a harmonious relationship between grazing animals and their ecosystems.
Anna Shadbolt then presented about Virtual Fencing Technology. This practice utilizes collars and satellite technology to enable groundbreaking research on grazing animals. Her aim is to use this technology to ensure that producers can effectively manage their animals and land while prioritizing animal welfare.
The FRRCC proceeded to the AgNext Climate-Smart Research Facility, guided by Dr. Pedro Carvalho, AgNext’s Feedlot Specialist. The tour demonstrated the cutting-edge research being conducted at the facility and showcased how the state-of-the-art technology is used.
The visit also featured insights from Eldon Marrs, representing Marrs Milky Way Dairy, who shared information on dairy production and its potential to benefit other stakeholders within the agricultural industry.

Public Meeting and Presentations from AgNext Faculty
On the subsequent day, the FRRCC gathered on CSU’s main campus to attend a series of presentations. Esteemed AgNext faculty, Dr. Sara Place, Associate Professor of Feedlot Systems, and Dr. Greg Thoma, Director of Agricultural Modeling and Lifecycle Assessment, highlighted the critical need for funding climate-smart research. Their presentations demonstrated how their research contributes to addressing some of the agricultural industry’s most pressing challenges.
The EPA’s FRRCC visit to AgNext’s facilities was an excellent experience, providing a platform for faculty to share their groundbreaking research and goals. The AgNext team extends our gratitude to the EPA and FRRCC for taking the time to learn about our mission and the ongoing efforts to foster sustainable practices in animal agriculture.

Julia Giesenhagen
Multimedia Intern